« In four hours my sniffles | Main | Kayla, this is for you. »
It's been a busy day. I feel way better than I did last night, thanks to Tylanol :) To Jan Ee, Cathy, Kai, Laura, sooks and Sharon, thank you for the messages *hugs to all* And Kris, thanks for the card. Cheered me up to no end :) *hug*
Spent the day sniffling and sneezing periodically, but it was something I could deal with. Had lunch with Di, Kayla and Chris before we drove to Landsdowne Place to shop. I have a new pair of shoes, yay! *dances around* Threw out my old Timberlands, hee. Spent some time in Canadian Tire to buy stuff and see the cost of paint (Kayla, Sarah and I are painting our rooms in fall). We stopped by Reid's Dairy after that and bought ice cream cones; omg, I had a pralines and cream cone that was massive, and it only cost me a dollar *shakes head in disbelief* (Hey, I can't say no to ice cream!).
Chris was nice enough to drive me to to OC after that because I had dance practice at 4pm. Finished at 6 and it was off to Marley's for dinner. We stopped by to pick Susan on the way, and got to meet her cat Kiwi :) It was a nice evening out.
We got back and relaxed for a while before heading down to the Junior Common Room to watch the first F1 race of the season. It was crazy; 9 cars out of the race in the first lap, and only 8 finished! Chris, Kayla and I had a good laugh (not to mention a few good swears) watching the race. Ferrari came in first, with Williams and McLaren coming in second and third respectively. The best was watching Minardi, with KL (yay Malaysia!) emblazoned across the side of the car. They came in 5th and 7th, and we couldn't stop laughing, because they'd performed better at this race than they did the last three years!
So I'm back in my room, drugged up with a semi-sore nose, yakking on ICQ with Shean Min, Sharon and Erica. Erica just asked me to move in with her, but I already have a place, so she's gonna try someone else. I think the Tylanol's starting to take effect now. *smiles sleepily*
Currently listening to: Breathe's Raise Your Hands To Heaven
Current emotion: okay
Random observation: I love this song; it's so 80's.