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It's been a mad day. Dance audition at the AC this afternoon; we got in (as if it would been any other way, hah!). If I sound confident, it's only because three members of the committee were in the dance as well :P
Watched hockey with Kayla, Anne and a bunch of other people in the Junior Common Room; the Canadians kicked ass, hehe. It was such a fantastic game! Kayla and I couldn't stop fidgeting for the longest time, and when Joe Sakic scored everyone screamed, yelled and clapped, lol. It was such an experience. We got back to rez screaming, shouting and jumping all the way. Jenn called to say that we were loud, but damn, Canada won, so of course we were!
Had dinner in Kayla's room while watching Monsters Inc. Boo is so cute :) The name Boo was cute enough, but the little girl was simply.. *shakes head*. The only word to describe her: CUTE! *grins* Kayla and Di both want a kid just like her :P Excellent movie, that.
Catherine came by and we yakked for a while. I've been mooching about in my room ever since. Just found out on sooks' blog that Di and Tse Wei were in a car accident, but besides bruises, scratches and a broken arm, they're relatively okay. Am breathing a sigh of relief over that. sooks will be updating me later.
Currently listening to: Garbage's When I Grow Up
Current emotion: .
Random observation: I have so much work to do, eek.