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Hey world! Am blogging from Cornell University, Ithaca, wee!
The 11 hour bus ride was a bitch, and Kai was late *smacks him!*, but hey, I'm here. Spotted a really cute psych major on the way here, but he was heading to Boston (don't ask me how I know, lol). Cathy, Kai and I had a late dinner with takeout from Louie's Lunch in Kai's room. Had a quick tour around campus (in the dark, no less :P). Marianne called, and we yakked for a bit. Met Kai's best friend, Duane; he's really funny, lol. Also met Alex, Grant and Venky. Everyone's really nice here, and I'm blown away by the sheer size of the campus. 'tis so... different. Anyway, am gonna try and get some sleep. It's gonna be a long day tomorrow!
Quote of the Day:
Yeah, Homer was actually homeboy! And The Odyssey? It's all about pimps and brothers; them classicists messed it up! - Grant
Currently listening to: nothing
Current emotion: sleepy
Random observation: Cornell's cool :)