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So yeah, watched hockey with Kayla and Chris last night; team Canada lost to Sweden 2-5! Now how sad is that?! They were clear favourites goddamnit!! :( It was depressing I tell ya... I couldn't even watch after the second period. Stupid Sundin *growls*
We played cards after the game, and I'll be damned if Kayla and Chris don't swear a lot, lol. I just flat gave up playing after a while and went to bed. Am wide awake now, la da di da. Sarah came up after a night out and wanted food, so I fed her, and now she's asleep on my bed.
Reading Break's started, yay! One whole week of just mooching about rez with no classes to go to. It's already Saturday though; I should be productive... (right..). Ah well.
Currently listening to: Jimmy Eat World's My Sundown
Current emotion: .
Random observation: A lot of people think no one cares. That's a lie. There's always at least one who does. Remember that.