« Mornin' world :) Damn, woke | Main | Look what Kayla got me »
It's been an interesting day. Spent the morning talking with an assortment of people, from Jenn to Stephanie to Mira and Sarah. Was in my room all afternoon and evening before William and Daniel came by to play chodaidee. Daniel played an excellent game; I drank quite a bit, but poor William took the brunt of it, lol. The guys finished 2 bottles of wine while I had vodka; the bottle's almost empty now :/ Surprisingly, I don't feel anything. Just a tad weird. William left at 1am, and Daniel and I played Blackjack and just talked about economics, people, culture. It was an interesting conversation. He left at 4.
Almost forgot to say; Kris told me Default is coming to Peterborough on Monday; they're performing at Sin City. I'm so gonna be there!
Currently listening to: Our Lady Peace's Superman's Dead
Current emotion: .
Random observation: Be very careful when accepting a kind gesture. There are people who expect payback later.