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I'm so psyched! I actually slept last night, and woke up like a normal person, hehe. Had breakfast with Asha at the LEC caf. Long and busy day with classes and stuff. Attended my classics tutorial with Kris. I had a presentation for my science fiction class, so I spent an hour throwing ideas together (good thing I liked the book so much) before heading to the library. A lot of people were absent, so there were only seven of us and Trevor, my prof. The first presenter was okay, but the discussion that followed was simply amazing. I bought Timbits for the class during break just for the heck of it. I really can't explain why and how; I just enjoyed the tutorial so much! A true trading of perceptions, ideas, concepts... it's just mind-boggling. Anyway, it was my turn after break, and I had so much fun! (I know, I'm weird). I was really nervous at first, but as we launched into debate after debate, sharing details we caught and ideas about utopia and perfection.. *sighs* One of the best discussions ever. And as icing on the cake, Trevor told me I did a fantastic job, woohoo!!
Had a meeting with Prof. Conolly after that regarding my grades, and we managed to sort things out. Went for dinner with Di, Susan, Roger and Kayla, and as usual, we had mad laughs. They were showing The Vagina Monologues at Wenjack Theatre, which became the butt of many jokes at our table.
Roger: Why are you wearing a suit for a vagina?
Susan: Vagina Monologues stupid!
Roger: Vagina!!
Kayla: Let's think happy thoughts.
Roger: What? Like vaginas?
*shakes my head lmao!*
Gonna run downstairs now. Be back later, wee!!
Currently listening to: Nine Days' If I Am (Acoustic)
Current emotion: bouncy :)
Random observation: It feels good to be this happy.