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I slept through the college fire drill today. Yup, if there was an actual fire, I'd be dead. Woohoo!
I still don't know how I did it. I swear, I didn't hear a thing. I must have been either exhausted or just plain deaf. Ah well. Be thankful it wasn't a real fire, heh. And to think I was suppose to be the one making sure that everyone got out alright...
Nothing much today, just academic stuff I have to sort. Saw Peter Northrop this morning; he was trying to recruit me for ISW for the new school year. Still can't get over how desperate Prof Kruger is for international students to volunteer for ISW, lmao. I'm rather disappointed that Kris and Linz didn't get the Co-Chairs position. If they did, I'd change my mind about helping out. As it is, it's the college's loss. *hugs Kris* All is well, girl.
Among other things, two of my friends (who shall remain nameless) are dating. I have no particular opinion about that, but even if I did, I'm not gonna say it here anyway. Too many readers, haha! Megan will be here in 16 hours, and Di's entourage of friends are showing up too. Tonight we party like mad at Club Vibe, and the day after is Di's fashion show held at Wenjack Theatre. Busy busy. Sharon called, but I was asleep. Sorry :\
There are plans to ambush me with make-up and/or something else Friday night. I say over my dead body. You hear me Kayla? Over my dead body! lol. And Roger? Here's your plug. Hope that makes your day :P
Currently listening to: Fiona Apple's Criminal
Current emotion: .
Random oberservation: so sleepy...