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I was actually prepared for a lecture for once, and what do I do? Fall asleep half an hour before class *smacks forehead* I'm hopeless. And to think I spent 6 hours reading that stupid book too. Actually, it was a surprisingly good read, heh. Beggars in Spain by Nancy Kress; I recommend it for those interested in biogenetics and science fiction as a whole. Only problem is that it's 438 pages long, and no, there are no pictures inside :P
Am very excited though, 'cause Kayla, Sarah and I checked out a house today at University Heights. The rooms are huge, we have our own washer and dryer, a really nice kitchen, and it costs only CD350 a month all-inclusive, eee! The landlady's really nice, and they have a golden retriever who's the cutest ever. I'm excited! *bounces* There's a slight problem with one of the old tenants coming back though, but we're gonna take it anyway. Too good to pass up!
Spent a good part of the evening listening to Our Lady Peace and hanging out with Kayla, Di and Asha. Kayla actually cleaned her room today, because Megan's visiting :) On the way back to my room I got sidetracked by Carla, Katie, both Stephanies and Madihah. We ended up yakking away for a good hour or so before I left. Da da dum. Been sitting here trying to figure out what the heck I've been doing for the past three hours.
Think I'll go read my other books now.
Currently listening to: Collective Soul's Vent
Current emotion: la di da
Random observation: Have to remember to renew my books at the library tomorrow.