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Had breakfast with Kayla this morning and turned in my theatre paper on time, wee! Walked around downtown with Allan after our lecture before I went back for tutorials. I enjoy my classes with Prof. Hollinger, because like Prof. Storey, she truly loves what she is teaching and encourages critical thinking without being a pain about it. Surprisingly enough, we ended the class with a discussion of perfection and idealism, something which I was thinking about earlier in the day.
Got back around 4 and harassed Roger for a bit. He's paranoid about me stealing his stuff now, lol. Before I left, he made me empty my pockets and count his hats to make sure I didn't run off with any! *shakes head* Should have borrowed his Maxim, darn. Forgot about that.
Slept a for a few hours before I went downstairs to see everyone. Caught up on news with Heather and Becca; Becca's officially dating Murray now. They've been hanging out a lot at the Bible College, so I don't see them much nowadays.
Among other things, Capstones is coming to Peterborough. If I'm not mistaken, they're a Christian band from Sudbury, and Kayla went to school with the drummer.
Haven't spoken to sooks and the rest of them Urban Village people for a bit. Chris, Uncle Ben, Pearly, hope all is well with ya. Wonder how Ruth is doing.
Meh. Time to sleep a bit before I wake up and finish my 205 assignments.
Currently listening to: Mayfield Four's Eden
Current emotion: .
Random observation: Mica sends some pretty damn good songs my way, heh.