« Been sitting here for over | Main | Can't work, don't wanna sleep. »
Slept most of the day away, yay me. Superbowl party tomorrow down at the Junior Common Room; will be helping Kris set up at 12pm. Sarah and Di had an interesting night downtown; Di broke up two fights and Sarah's bf spent the night at the police station, hmm. Listening to Di recount details with only an hour's sleep in her system was hilarious; her face contorts in several expressions that I can't even describe, hehe.
I'm craving chocolate.
We spent the rest of the evening hanging out in Di's room with Susan and Sarah, just chilling. Am looking forward to the TACSU party held at the Vibe next week; it's gonna be mad fun! Di's fashion show's on the same weekend, and on top of that, everyone's having guests up, so we're gonna be busy.
Came back up, downloaded a couple of songs and did nothing productive aside from playing my music really loud and singing along *grins* Dance practice's cancelled for the week, wee..!! Watched SNL with Kayla and read Cosmo between commercials. Have to work on some papers now. I hate papers :P
I'm cheap, hmph. They're probably bias against short people *scowls* How much are you worth?
Quote(s) of the Day:
I need a tetris shot! - Sarah L.
The shit hit the fan and the fan was on maximum speed! - Sarah L.
Currently listening to: Sir Mix A Lot's Baby Got Back
Current emotion: .
Random observation: Can't wait for next week..!!