« Goddamn windchill; I guess winter's | Main | Slept most of the day »
Been sitting here for over an hour with Blogger open and I haven't typed a thing. I'm losing my touch, hehe. Maybe I should stop blogging? :P
Asha spent a good hour yakking away to friends on my AIM list while I rearranged my room (yet again). We went downstairs later and I danced up and down the hallway for fun before harassing Asha's friends in return on her MSN list. Kayla fell asleep 9-ish, and I helped Anne download some music before I went over to North to visit Kris. I haven't seen her in a while, so it was good to do some catching up. Came back and Kayla was up and on the 'phone with Chris. Got her some water, got her pajamas out, put toothpaste on her toothbrush (?) and straightened her blankets before yelling at Chris to let her go back to bed, hehe. Checked with Sarah H about the house situation; she's gonna bug Tanya for us, and we'll probably find out Monday-ish if we get to live downstairs from them, wee! I miss living next to Sarah H. She's fun :)
Visited Jeff down the other end of the hall and yakked away with him, Daniel, Katie and Nicole. Found out that Daniel plays chodaidee as well as mahjong, woohoo! Now if only we can get ourselves a third and fourth player...
Will try to get something productive done now.
Quote of the Day:
Hey Tiff, do you know the song that goes "In the jungle, the mighty jungle, the lion sleeps tonight.."? - Anne
lmao. I love Anne ;D
Currently listening to: Newsboys' Joy
Current emotion: la di da
Random observation: The pink's gotta go soon... :P