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Have been so caught up with things in school that I haven't spoken to quite a few people of late. *makes a checklist*
1. Call parents
2. Call sister
3. Call brother (haven't spoken to him since October-ish, eek) :(
4. Call Kai (he says I never call him)
5. Call Sharon
6. Call sooks
Anyone else? :P Leave a note and I'll call. I feel like catching up on news. Can't believe I haven't spoken to Colin in months. All I ever hear from mom is that he's fine and is doing well in school. I miss that crazy brother of mine sometimes. He's an odd one, heh. To me anyway. Always out with friends; they were more important than family in many ways to him. Even so, he was my brother. I've never recalled missing him, but today I do. Ever since I was a child people always thought I was the older sibling. Hell, even my parents referred to him as my 'younger' brother, when in actual fact he's older than me by three years. I feel bad for him sometimes; having to put up with two ridiculously independent sisters which forced him to either a) be equally independent or b) seem like the black sheep of the family.
We're funny, the three of us. Audrey is a complete extrovert, loves children to bits and spends almost all her time with our nieces, nephews and cousins. Colin prefers the company of friends over family and treats us as such; you hardly see him at family gatherings unless he was told specifically to show up. Me? I'm a half and half I guess. Audrey and I have our moments; we get along really well, but there are many times when we fight because she rubs me the wrong way. Like Colin, I have a bad temper, and like Audrey, I can be a smartass. Audrey is dad's favourite, and Colin mom's. My parents spend a lot of time defending their favourites to each other, lol. I took the easy way out and left the country :P
So there you go. A bit more about my family :)
Currently listening to: George Michael's Father Figure
Current emotion: .
Random observation: I'm getting ridiculously sentimental as I grow older.