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What's the point of holding someone's hand when they cry, when they simply kick you the moment you turn around? What's the point of being kind, when not only does it go unappreciated, it comes back with a slap in the face? Like honestly, what is the point? Do I have to start being a bitch to everyone, so that I can justify all this dislike and gossip? I never realized that trying to sort my personal mess was wrong. I never thought that taking time out for myself meant that I was 'neglecting' others.It seems that when I do that, it automatically means that I'm a self-centered bitch.
I never realized that when I signed my name on the dotted line, it meant that I was not only signing for a job, I was signing away every single right I had to be a person, a student, in this school. I was signing away 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, for 8 months just so I could be bitched at for every single thing that went wrong in residence which affected the girls (I laugh when I tried the word 'women', 'cause that would hint maturity) who lived with me. I'm suppose to clean every mess, both literally and figuratively, while maintaining an aura of god-liness (with a touch of humanity so that I don't intimidate people). I am perfect. I have no feelings or emotions whatsoever; I am here only to listen, to help, to complain to. What, you mean she has feelings? No way! School? C'mon. She doesn't go to school.
Q: What is the one good thing that's happened to you because of donning?
A: I realized what real friends were.
So yeah. Let it be said that I'm the ultimate bitch who cares naught for anyone but me. I use people, I ignore people, I kick them when they're down. I step on others for fun, I'm never around to help and I relish the thought of seeing people cry. Fuck you.
*curtsies, grins and walks off*
Currently listening to: Five for Fighting's Superman
Current emotion: frustrated
Random observation: For those who completed my little quiz and clicked on 'blogs when stressed', give yourself an extra point. I don't feel like re-arranging furniture right now. I want to break them.