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It's been a surprisingly busy day. Woke up at 9-ish and cleaned my room a bit and sat around before heading to OC with Di, Kayla, Anne and Asha for brunch. Had my meeting with Bob and Pauline which went overtime, so I was late for dance practice. Wei Lynn was ready to throw a fit when i showed up. Pfft. Three hours later, popped by to see Kris; poor girl's had a rough 24 hours or so. Nessa's been sick and had to go to the hospital the night before :\ Good thing she's better now. Anyway, had dinner with Therese, Harvey and Anne after that. Chatted, and we're meeting at 10 in my room just to hang out, have some coffee and yak some more. Came back, did my laundry and made some soup before bringing it over to Nessa's in North. Finally, a short breather to my day.
Am feeling rather sleepy now *yawns*
Currently listening to: Sugar Ray's Fly (my anthem when I was younger, lol)
Current emotion: alone
Random observation: Amazing how words and words alone can evoke emotion, instill hope and dreams, tear down the soul and burn the imagination.