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I am so poor :( Paid the rest of my school fees yesterday afternoon, gaah. Signed away almost 6000CD, urk. (I feel sick). So yeah, aside from feeling poor...
Woke up at 1am and did nothing (something). Had breakfast with Kayla as usual before I did some reading for my theatre class. Yakked all afternoon with sooks and Bryan. Took some time off to go pay my fees, and yeah, trust me to pick the time when it's snowing the heaviest to traipse to Julian Blackburn Collge, bah. It was gorgeous out though; everything blanketed in fresh snow :) So anyway, at the office I tried to pay my fees using my bank card, but there were problems because of my cash limit (totally forgot about that). Bloody hell. Had to walk back to LEC, call my bank and get some stuff sorted before running to JBC (again) before it closed.
Came back and sooks was stll there, yay! We were checking out the latest cell phones. Damnits, Nokia comes up with the coolest shit, tee hee. See this and this and this. This is (or was) mine back in KL. It doesn't work in North America, so my sister is using it for the moment, pfft. Cell phone technology in Asia is insane. You don't see half of it here in the States, or at least not that soon anyway. Anyway, sooks bought herself the 3330 as a temporary phone before she leaves for Aussie.
Amazing how in Canada I don't give two shits about carrying a phone, but back home it's almost a necessity. Probably because I don't live with my friends in KL :P
Spoke to Mica for a bit; he's funny, heh. William e-mailed to see if I was interested in doing a radio show with him, woo! 'tis just for one show, but first I gotta see what we're supposed to do. Am not committing myself to anything for the moment. Was supposed to go for dinner with Kayla, but I was bloody sleepy, so I opted to stay in instead. Went to bed at 6pm, woke up at 2am. I'm so messed, bah. Watched Cayote Ugly. Just realized that in the bar scene, where she first meets whatshisname, The Calling was playing in the background! Now, how weird is that? Also, near the end where her name was published in the papers? I saw Vertical Horizon and Eve 6 as well, hehe. Details, details.
I really don't have that much of interest to say. Just another day in the works. Are you bored yet? lol. Ah well. This blog is for me anyway.
Think I'll go sleep a bit more. Joget practice (yeahyeah, laugh!) at 2pm. Meeting with Bob & Pauline at 1pm. Cooking dinner at Althea's at 5 (unconfirmed). Finish writing CLLI and 205 essays. Argh.
Almost forgot, added Pearly, Laura and Bryan to my links. Yay them! :)
Currently listening to: O Town's All or Nothing
Current emotion: .
Random observation: I have to clean my desk, ugh.