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I think I messed up my sleep time bad :\ Went to bed at 6.30pm yesterday, woke up at 3am. Yada yada yada. Kayla got me to check some e-mail which scared the hell outta me; I screamed, lol. We had breakfast before she went for class and I came back. Kai called and I forwarded the mail to him; he screamed too, lmao (like a girl I might add ;)).
Got ticked off in the afternoon, headed downtown and did some errands. Came back, had lunch with Asha, did nothing productive. Returned Roger's Trent hat and stole his NHL one. Oo, he got mad at me after that. Returned the hat with cookies as an apology. I still feel bad. I'm sorry Ra Ra :(
Fell asleep at 7 and woke up at 1am. Burned a CD for Kris. Been surfing the 'net since. My site's down.
Partial Rant (the rest is saved on my HDD for personal reasons):
...just don't fucking touch and contaminate me with your "I'm more 31337 than j0o" shit.
There. I feel better now :P I'm PMS-ing I think, lol. To end this blog on a good note, go here. Funny stuff. Thankie sooks :)
Quote of the Day:
As a HUGE fan of the guillotine, and public flogging, I say we haul him to the town square, draw & quarter him, then see if we can't get a few bucks from his remains to finance the calendar that everyone seems to want - tat2doc
Currently listening to: Limp Bizkit feat. DMX & Method Man's Rollin'
Current emotion: bitchy
Random observation: lol. I typed that over an hour ago and forgot to post :P