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I'm tired, and it's cold tonight. Past few days are rather blurry, but I remember Kayla coming up and us just hanging out, talking to Sarah and Jason for a bit, working on my paper, worrying about my grades, pfft. Kai and Sharon called (thank you) and Kris, Nessa and Tanay came by with a pink rose for me :) (It's sitting in a vodka bottle now, heh). It was Marianne's birthday a few days back; HAPPY (belated!) BIRTHDAY MARIANNE *hug* Slipped my mind when blogging earlier, oops.
Godawful grades, so I'm dropping Drama Before the 20th Century. Have to remember to speak to Prof. Conolly about that. Tried calling mom this morning but I couldn't reach her. Need a good half-credit course for the remainder of the year. Am thinking of taking a classics course in Egyptology, eek. I was thinking of Cult & Religion, but it's a full year course, which means I can't take it now. Cult & Religion sounds like a wicked course though. Maybe I'll do a course overload next year? I need at least 1/2 credit in Anthropology for my degree if I want to get into teacher's college. Not too sure if I want to switch my major from Cultural Studies to Classics, bleh. If I had things my way, I'd be able to take all the subjects I want without thinking of papers and grades and just learn for the sake of learning.
Idealism, bah.
Krista came by to talk and check on me (to make sure I wasn't dead yet :P), and I was kinda defensive at first, bleh. I think she noticed that, but oh well. She was really nice though, and I haven't spoken to her since November-ish, so it was good to update each other a little. I wish the donning team got along as well as we did at the beginning of the year. Everyone's so nice, and yet. Differences, bleh. :\
People tell me everyone stumbles and falls, but they pick themselves up and keep moving on. I'm the kinda person who prefers to start from the bottom all over again than to pick up where I left off. I find it hard to just keep going. I'm glad I have people who encourage otherwise though. It helps. A lot.
Enough of that. Funny joke of the day :) Haven't slept for 26 hours, so when Kayla came to get me for dinner I wasn't exactly wide awake. She had to hold onto my coat as we walked to make sure I didn't hit a wall or fall, hehe. I was that out of whack, eek. Thanks Kayla :P
Off to either sleep or work. Still can't decide which. Mmf, and for those who left a note or a shout, thankies.
Currently listening to: All Saints' Pure Shores
Current emotion: .
Random observation: In a state of slight defunct.