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Nothing productive today, unless you count my cleaning the room and re-arranging the furniture (yet again). My room's now relatively clean, so long as you discount the piles of books and papers on my desk. Have finished rearranging my Absolut ads and added the new ones on the wall along with the bottles and the book; will take a picture sometime soon.
Lost 2 hours of my life watching the final episode of Survivor with Kayla. Heather gave me some pictures that we took in the fall; will scan and put them up along with those of my room when I have the time. Several e-mails from the boss about residence stuff, yuck. I hate lockup duties, and I just found out that we're not allowed to take off during Reading Break:
Please note that the week of February 18th is a "Residential Reading and Laboratory Week" and everyone is expected to be present and "on duty".
Which means my plans to head to Massey and/or elsewhere have to be scraped. FUCK.
Will blog later when I'm in a better mood.
Currently listening to: Lunatic Calm's Leave You Far Behind
Current emotion: pissed off
Random observation: I need a new pair of shades.