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Had breakfast this morning with Kayla, Di and Asha in the caf before finishing up on The Forever War for my science fiction class. Lecture today was eeww, because the prof. showed us an excerp from the movie Starship Troopers, and it just made my stomach turn *makes a face* Yakked away with sooks on ICQ as usual for a bit. It's funny how I talk to her more often when I'm in Canada than when I'm back in KL. Weird, hah! Had a nap before going for dinner with the girls, and it was a fun evening, 'cause we were being silly, hehe. Kayla was slightly deaf because of her cold, and 'hurricane season' became 'herpes season' (??). Di smacked me in the foot with the door, and Sarah chased Kayla across the bridge with a snowball, lol. Jenn was complaining about the girls upstairs, and all I could think of were her threats to hire a hitman last semester! *grins*
Kayla, Sarah L. and I will be getting a house for the next school year, and it was a unanimous decision that we should each have a) a Caucasian name (in honour of Kayla), b) a Native Indian name (in honour of Sarah) and c) a Chinese name (because of me, yay!). Since we already had Caucasian names, we had to pick the other two for each other. The current list is as follows:
Native Indian Names
Sarah - Running Bear
Kayla - Crazy Horse
Tiff - Little Horse/ Little Bear (on alternate-day basis)
Chinese Names
Sarah - Ping Pong
Kayla - Kay Lah
Tiff - Yin Peng
Extra tags for Tiff (my ever-growing list of nicknames *rolls eyes*):
Official Kayla Brohart-given Name
Little Alcoholic Malaysian Friend (or LAMF for short)
Official Roger Lee-given Name
Official Chris Pope-given Name
Five-foot tifosi (shortened to Five-foot for the heck of it)
Sarah H. just bought me a huge cup of French Vanilla cappucino, yum! Will be assembling a chocolate bar with Kayla in a bit; it's a self-assemble kit with a chocolate shell, Reese's peanut butter, white icing and sprinkles. Now that should be neat :)
Quote of the Day:
It's not a drive-by shooting, it's a run-by snowballing! - Sarah L & Kayla
Currently listening to: The Calling's Wherever You Will Go
Current emotion: chipper
Random observation: Nothing like warm fuzzy blue slippers to make me smile.