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Just spoke to Merv on the 'phone for a good 30 minutes, and he laughed and scolded me for being 'Canadianized'. I am not! *sulks* I will blog in Manglish for the next two minutes just to prove that I'm Malaysian and proud of it :P
Where got Canadianize la? Talk in proper English only mah, like that also kena. Too much man. Simply scold only defler, hehe. Celaka, nag me summore about being awake. If not awake how to call and talk to him hah? And he kept making short jokes, basket! Melebih-lebih! *piaks Merv!* Sui jai, hmph. *grins* Oklah, I admit, he was giving me sound advice. Got to talk to his mom and sister for a few minutes too. Wah, this bugger like my mother's godson edi, ahaha!
Okay, that's about as much as I can complain about Merv at 5am, hehe. See Kayla? There are many different intonations we use. I'll teach you how to use the exclaimation 'basket' soon, it'll be fun! lol.
Currently listening to: Go West's Track of My Tears
Current emotion: thankful
Random observation: I really do have the most amazing friends, and it makes me wonder why I'm so lucky *confused look*