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It's been a busy day, and a slightly crazy one at that. Went to sleep at 7am and was up by 2. There were several new international students who'd just arrived, so I spent most of the afternoon helping them move and settle in. The girls were back (although I've yet to see Asha) and it was just hugs, squeals and chattering left, right and centre. Madness *grins* Had dinner with Kayla, Miranda and Heather in Otanabee College before making my rounds and stuff. Spoke to Jan Ee and Sharon for a while.
Received an interesting phone call from Andrew (he's the Housing Don for my college); he wants me to consider applying for the position of Senior Student Don for the next school year. I'm flattered, but I don't know. After my crappy term last year, I'm seriously looking forward to staying with Kayla and Sarah in a proper house with a kitchen and whatnot without having to think about other people's problems. However, the perks that come with the position are definitely attractive. Andrew wants me to think it over at the moment. Will have to wait and see.
Faye gave me a lovely card, and Jenn brought back an Absolut mini-menu with several cocktail recipes for me, wee! Kayla gave me Absolut Fantasy to add to my ever-growing collection, and we watched The Simpsons for a while. Kris came by for a visit, yay Kris :) Stole Roger's hat, and he retaliated by stealing my book again, damnits. I still have his shirt though *smirks* He's hooked up a notebook to his desktop, so we messed with his 'puters while beating each other at intervals. He calls me 'thief' now, lol. Am off to harass him again.
Currently listening to: Joydrop's Sometimes Wanna Die
Current emotion: cheeky
Random observation: I'm a lucky bugger I am :)