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Caught Shean Min online after godknows how many weeks and chatted with him for a bit. He's leaving for Melbourne pretty soon, and unfortunately, he's not heading back to KL for summer :( I called Norman on a whim and Shahnon picked up the 'phone. Shahnon's coming back to Canada this Tuesday, and Norman won't be leaving till June for Melbourne. It was good to talk to them both again; crazy brothers with the same perverse sense of humour, lol. Norman's first few words to me were "It's bloody hot here--I'm wearing nothing but my boxers", lol. Too much information Norm :P Shahnon was no better though; he'd lost his luggage on his trip back, and he felt that it was very important that I should know he'd lost his "new shirts, new shoes and new underwear!". *shakes head* These two..!! Crazy people, hehe. Good to know that Norm's quit smoking already, yay! Everything's fine, according to them both, with the exception of the fact that it's bloody hot in Malaysia.
I miss home.
Currently listening to: Son By Four's Cuando Seas Mia
Current emotion: tad homesick
Random observation: It's January, and it's only -2C. wtf is going on?! I wanna make my snowman dammit!!