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Woke up this afternoon and chatted with sooks and Wai Wai for a while. Wai Wai got his dose of abuse as usual, hehe. Read a bit of The Two Towers and watched the second disc of The Emperor's New Groove again before I fell asleep. Kayla called and left me a message; she's back in Peterborough, yay! Will probably see her tomorrow or Sunday.
Anyway, I made some soup and got to work fixing my 'About' page. Chattered away with Uncle Ben and Chris. It was hilarious fun talking to them both on ICQ. My present from Uncle Ben:
lol! Am 100% certain that he stole that picture from sooks and doctored it before 'giving' it to me. I'm still expecting you to mail me a bottle of Absolut Mandrin, Uncle :P Chris even helped me find another comments' box after I lost blogback, hehe. Yay for Chris!
My silly mouse is acting up; am tempted to just throw the damn thing out the window, bah. Added Cathy to my links; re-arranged the list a bit. 'tis almost 5am, eek.
Stanza of The Day (in reply to Scott's message on my dA page *grins*):
'tis lonely on the moon.
Life grows cold, one grows old
too soon, too soon.
But wait.
Think of sunshine and skies cornflower-blue
Think of a rainbow and its brilliant hues
Think of a hug and people who care
Think of bunnies and teddy bears
Perhaps these things will make you smile?
If not, maybe something else worthwhile?
Happy thoughts, a cheeky grin
I'd think of more but my mind's in a spin. :P
Currently listening to: Monica's Don't Take It Personal
Current emotion: sleepy
Random observation: I have an awful short-term memory