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Just came back from checking Tanked!, and it seems I kinda rattled Kris with my comments on Harry Potter. Yes Kris, my little note about 'to each his own' when writing my commentary was with you in mind, haha! I know you love Harry Potter (as evident by your Harry Potter curtains and sheets and comforter and whatnot!), but remember, I did not say that it was a bad book; I just thought it was a lot like Enid Blyton's. Content-wise, I thought it was good, but not super, that's all. And yes, I know annoying characters are there for a reason, but they annoy me, which brings back the 'personal preference' point. 'Amazing' to you, 'okay' to me. There is no need to change anyone's minds or opinions, heh. I'll take you up on your offer for the fourth book though. And Nes, you crack me up, lol.
Currently listening to: UB40's Reggae Music
Current emotion: sunny
Random observation: I get to see Kayla and Jenn tomorrow!