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Called my parents to reassure them that I was alive and well. Mom's being her typical loving-overprotective-nagging self, and daddy's short and to the point as usual.
Daddy: *to mom in the background* Small girl aa?
Me: Hi daddy
Daddy: Hi girl. How's everything?
Me: Everything's fine lorr.
Daddy: You mother woke you up again [this morning] aa?
Me: Yah, hehe.
Daddy: She aa. You're okay? Got enough money to spend or not?
Me: Yes daddy. Back in Peterborough already.
Daddy: Ah, okay. Anything you want, call home you know.
Me: Yes daddy.
Daddy: Okay, bye.
Me: haa? 'kay, bye daddy.
*daddy hangs up*
I''m not kidding, that was our conversation, lol. I figure the ratio of minutes for mom to daddy is about 10 : 0.5. *shakes head*
Tried calling Shean Min, but I couldn't reach him. Oi, your number change to eight digits already aa? E-mail me the new number please. And sooks, you too. I can't remember where I left it. Damn eight digit numbers, pah. Makes surprise phone calls so much harder to pull, hehe.
Currently listening to: Rick Price's Walk Away Renee
Current emotion: blah
Random observation: I'm 20 years old, and my parents still call me 'small girl', ahaha!