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It's been a surprisingly good day. Finished reading The Fellowship of The Ring and wrote a few notes and e-mails. Jenn called, wee!! We talked for a bit (she's coming back on Saturday) before I left to do some grocery shopping downtown. I bought Pringles *grins* It was nice to walk around aimlessly for a bit by myself. Got back around 6-ish and downloaded a couple of episodes of The Simpsons. Spent the evening doing laundry and watching the episodes I downloaded as well as Moulin Rouge and Cayote Ugly. Cleaned my room, yay! At least now it doesn't look as if a tornado hit it, and my linen smells nice. Cheers for Bounce sheets!
Was reading some blogs earlier, and Uncle Ben's (yes Chief, you've been promoted to 'uncle') just made me laugh so hard, haha! He was complaining about LOTR (this is the same guy who deduced that Frodo would make out with Arwen) and he had a picture of Merry and Pippin with the words 'Let Them Die" scrawled across, lol. A short clip of his rant:
...it doesn't make life any better when i learn from derrick that the next of the trilogy is about them finding the two captured hobbits.....WHO THE HELL CARES ABOUT THEM?????? just let them die....they are useless anyway, they just steal carrots from other people's plantations and steal gandalf's fireworks......why cant frodo just destroy the ring???? people called pipin took and merry brandybuck do not deserve to be saved!!...my new years resolution is to boycott episode 2 of LOTR...."kill the two useless hobbits" let them die!
lmfao. I'm sorry, I just found it bloody hilarious, hehe. I was laughing hysterically when I read that and saw the image. You take the cake, Uncle Ben *grins*
Among other things, Sharon plans to cook for the gang during our next trip to Genting in summer. That's fine so long as she doesn't poison me :P When we were in college two years back, Sharon and her gf brought me to a vegetarian place for dinner, and I fell sick after eating there. Poor Sharon was panicking the next day when I didn't show up for class; she thought she'd killed me, rofl.
Yes sooks, the button looks very nice against a black background :) But no, I don't think anyone's gonna make a movie of Diablo anytime soon, heh. And Shao Yi, we start scrolling from the top, not the bottom, lol. Will be developing some pictures soon, among them Kai's 'compromising' shot which I have to send to Cathy *grins* Fun! Poor Kai; his semi-good name has been dragged through the mud thanks to me. *feels no remorse* Hah! Am arguing with Roger over his shirt now (as usual). Am not giving it back, so there! :P
Hmm. *pimps Chris's site* Lalala...
Off to watch The Emperor's New Groove and laugh some more. *hugs everyone* *smacks a few people!* *makes a face and runs off*
Currently listening to: Ace of Base's Happy Nation
Current emotion: bubbly
Random observation: It's gotta be illegal to laugh so much in so short a time! :)