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I duwanna fix anything anymore. I'm sick of looking and clicking and changing and reloading *makes a face* I need food. Eek, past 10pm.
Kai called a while ago; seems he and Cathy came to see me off at 2pm, but I'd already left, eek. Sorry :/
Was looking at some old pictures from college days: Shao Yi getting ready to smack Jeremy, some shots of everyone just laughing, BBQ at my place, the guys' "compromising" photo, prom, choral speaking, graduation. We had some fun times :)
I just thought of a resolution for the new year: Get the gang sloshed in July at Genting, ahaha!!
Currently listening to: Blues Traveller's Run Around
Current emotion: blah
Random observation: It's amazing how we take for granted our linguistic skills, speaking a jumble of Malay, English, Cantonese, Hokkien and whatnot with no problems switching from one language to another, knowing that we'll be understood anyway.