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Sleepy. Went to bed at 5 and was up before 10 to head to NYC (on my own, yay!). Met up with Wai Wai and gave him his vodka and cookies as promised. Bought Jenn's stuff at Origins before we traipsed around with no particular direction. Walked to the New York Library, Central Park and around, and I don't know where else. We really did have no direction, so we just kept walking. I remember the Disney store (with its ridiculously overpriced paintings) and some other toy store with its very own bear corner with an assortment of bears all shapes and sizes *swoons*. Found a Barnes & Noble and a copy of Orwell's 1984, but the line was so long I decided not to get it then (which I really regret now). We stopped for coffee around 2.30 at a Starbucks in Times Square and just talked shop for a good hour before I caught the train back to Jersey. Thank you so much Wai Wai, for being the ever-patient tour guide to a blur individual such as myself who doesn't pay much attention to detail but finds time to smack you for your smartmouth comments :P
Alice brought home Godiva chocolates, hehe. Had dinner with my cousins before heading to B&N; with Jorge to find my book, and I'll be damned if we didn't go to two seperate stores and they both did not carry a copy *sulks* And to add insult to injury, one of the guys working in the second store kept insisting that there was a copy. I told him explicitly that it was my third visit and they still did not have it, but did he believe me? Of course not. He came to look for me 10 minutes later to apologize, and concocted some bizzarre story about there being two copies just the day before, as he saw it. I was there barely a week ago, and there weren't any, and unless there's some mad rush for Orwell's books that I don't know about, it should have been there if he'd seen it. Personally, I think he just didn't want to look bad, 'cause I'm pretty sure he saw Animal Farm and thought it 1984. After that, instead of leaving me alone, he start bugging me over the LOTR section where I was trying to check out some production notes of the movie. Had had enough, so I found Jorge and dragged him out of the store. Am never going back to that B&N; again, hmph.
Spoke to my parents for a bit, and my niece as well. Am tired :\ Off to pack my stuff now, as I leave tomorrow morning for Toronto, woah. Talk about time flying by.
Reminder to self: overalls + Hush Puppies (black) = me lol
Currently listening to: Kid Rock's Forever
Current emotion: tired
Random observation: Nothing like swapping childhood stories to make me laugh.