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Alice went to work instead of going to Pennsylvania with us, so Jorge and I managed to shop with a minimum of fuss. I didn't sleep till 5-ish, and had to be dragged out of bed at 9. Bought my jeans as well as a bag, and we were back in Jersey by 3pm, yay us! Pretty good timing, considering the fact that it was a two hour drive to the place, and another two to get back. My rule of thumb for shopping: If you want something, get it and get out. I seldom see the point of browsing for the hell of it if you're not gonna buy it. That said, we managed to buy my stuff and hang out at the bookstore nearby for a good hour before coming home, hehe. Now, if Alice had joined us, she would have dragged me all over the place and made me buy stuff I didn't particularly want or need, just to satisfy my parents that I was being well cared for, pfft.
Had a short nap before helping Alice cook dinner. Blockbuster night; we watched Swordfish and The Grinch Who Stole Christmas, and I watched Beauty and The Beast after that. Swordfish was kickass; Travolta made the perfect villain, and Hugh Jackman was great. I really enjoyed the plot and idea of the movie, although it got rather bloody at several points. Watching The Grinch made me cry *sniffles* What can I say, I'm a sucker for happy endings. No, I didn't cry when watching Beauty and The Beast. I just sniffled a little *makes a face*
Watching Christmassy shows (overdose of it on cable) makes me want to go home to be with family, especially dad. And I just found out that Chinese New Year's on January 11th. My second year in a row of not celebrating it; that sucks. Last year was the worst though, 'cause everyone was home, including Alice and my cousins who are currently studying in Aussie. I was the only one away, bleh. Am gonna miss out for the next 6 years, bah. :(
I'm just grumpy 'cause I miss daddy. I'll deal.
Currently listening to: Creed's With Arms Wide Open
Current emotion: .
Random observation: I prefer to sleep on the couch than any bed other than my own.