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Slept, finished reading some trashy romance novel and watched Jerry abuse Tom. Alice came home early today, so we cleaned the house. Jorge gave me an early Christmas present, gift vouchers to Barnes & Noble, yay! The only problem is, that was exactly what I bought him for Christmas, lol. The irony of it all :P Anyway, we headed to B & N after dinner to buy stuff, seeing that I only have one more week to go before I left for Toronto. I bought three books; Harper Lee's To Kill A Mockingbird, Isaac Asimov's Faeries and Edith Hamilton's Mythology. Decided against buying Bullfinch's Book of Mythology because all the stories were in bits and pieces, and I wanted the original versions. Not to mention it barely covered Norse and Chinese mythology, pfft. I figure I'd buy the proper unabridged novels one by one. Am looking for George Orwell's 1984; will go hunt for it over the next few days. I saw a couple of leather-bound volumes of Shakespeare, Whitman and Homer, to name a few. Nice *grins*
Alice and I finally baked our strawberries and cream cake, and yes, it's every bit as yummy as it sounds :P (although I have to admit, can't stomach too much of it, as the cream makes me sick, eeww). To think that Alice added extra cream on top of her slice *shudders* To each his own :P So yeah, Kayla and the rest of the girls can look forward to eating something else besides cookies and brownies when I get back *grins*
Found out from Jorge that we're heading to Pennsylvania for the day tomorrow, which means NYC has to wait till next week. Wai Wai, if you're reading this, I'll call you Sunday or something. Can't believe I've been here for almost two weeks already. Two more to go before I head back to school. Umm, yay? *makes a face* Ah well, at least I'll get to see the girls again. So yeah, am going shopping tomorrow. All I want to do is pick up two pairs of jeans, but knowing Alice, I'm in for a long day, bleh. Right *checks watch*, Cartoon Network is calling.
Currently listening to: Tantric's Mourning
Current emotion: .