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So sleepy *yawns* Went to bed at 5am, and was up by 10 'cause the landlady was stopping by to check out the place, bleh. She didn't show up till 12-ish *growls* and by the time she left, I couldn't sleep, so I ended up watching hours of Tom & Jerry and MTV. Jorge got back early, so we headed to Macy's at Livingstone to do more Christmas shopping. Stopped by Aeropostale's to get my ghetto-ish sweatshirt, only to find out that it was gone, eek! :( Didn't panic; saw a different sweatshirt (which was also black) and bought that instead. I have a new hooded sweatshirt *hugs shirt and grins* I love sweatshirts :P Am thinking of heading back there to grab another one if I don't see anything I like in Pennsylvania next week.
Decided to start baking after dinner and made a batch of cornflake cookies. I thought it was so-so; would have been a lot better if I had all the stuff I needed. Just realized that I'm the kind of person who bakes by the book when it comes to utensils, i.e. I must have the proper trays and bowls and mixers etc., otherwise I don't function well. Pfft.Picky, hehe. Didn't get to bake my strawberry cake, as Alice went to bed at 9 *makes a face* Maybe tomorrow? :(
I forgot to plug Chris the last time; it was while visiting his blog that I found the chatterbox. So yah, here's your plug Chris *grins*
The road trip's still kinda screwed, but either way I'll be seeing Sharon, if not Kai, for New Year's. Right? Right?! *crosses fingers* :\ I miss them. And I haven't spoken to Shean Min in ages, ever since he started working, pfft. *smacks Shean Min* Oi! Where you be? :(
I want my 'puter back. There are so many things I can't do on this stupid notebook *sulks*
Kay, ranted enough. Be back later (unless I fall asleep) :P
Currently listening to: Filter's Take A Picture
Current emotion: .