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Did nothing except sleep, watch Cartoon Network and go online. Mailed some friends, spoke to sooks for a bit on AIM, and am chatting with Wai Wai now while watching Acme Hour. Found out from Bryan that I won the Fantasy Poem contest, which means I get a DA Teddy as well as Daily Poem, word *smiles* Totally unexpected.
Rented a couple of movies with my cousin, among them Shrek and two others which he picked out. Bored, argh, hehe. See, I wish I could be this bored in rez, with my friends, minus all the usual stuff. Now that would rock *grins* But hey, I'm thankful for my time off. It feels good to be able to say "I'm bored" and actually mean it.
Currently listening to: Linkin Park's Crawling
Current emotion: .