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Tom and Jerry kicks ass :) I've been watching the Thanksgiving episodes (which I first saw when I was about 6) and man, it brings back so many memories. I think my favourite's not Tom or Jerry though; it's Jerry's nephew who's the cutest, lol. Especially seeing him run around in his diapers, haha! Also caught Beetlejuice and Grease II, not to mention several music specials and reruns of SNL and stuff. Getting my overdose of tv to make up for the last few months *grins* Called a few people today, among them Mica, Wai Wai and Kai. Will be meeting Wai Wai in NYC sometime next week, and he's afraid already, lol. I promise not to beat you too badly Wai Wai :P
I miss my friends back in rez, but I'm definitely glad to be away from campus at the moment. Can't wait for Saturday (am off to watch the Broadway production of Beauty and the Beast); am very excited :) Aside from that, am looking forward to seeing Kai and Sharon in Toronto and celebrate New Year's with them. Mm, and a reminder to self: buy vodka for Wai Wai *grins*
Anyway, blogged enough. It's back to my cartoons.
Currently listening to: Jerry's nephew saying "Bad pussy cat!" in fake French accent
Current emotion: .