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Tired. Headache. Now I know why I don't watch TV in school; there are more than enough dramas and comedies taking place in residence as it is. I swear, my life's like a bloody soap opera, lol. Roger and Asha just came in. They're making me laugh, hehe. Roger wants his shirt back, so I put it on, and now he can't take it, hah!
Absolut People of LEC (according to Roger and Asha):
Tiff - Absolut Thief (for stealing Roger's shirt)
Roger - Absolut Crap (for simply being)
Asha - Absolut Paki (Roger's request)
Kayla - Absolut Boring (because she goes to bed at 10)
Di - Absolut Bedhead (for sleeping 24/7)
Sarah - Absolut Drunk (hahaha!!)
Susan - Absolut Giggles (hmmm...)
George - Absolut Loud (he's like a megaphone)
Currently listening to: Sister Hazel's Change Your Mind
Current emotion: .