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I dub today Absolut Day! *big grin*
Received a package in the mail from Wai Wai; he bought me the Absolut Book! I could not believe my eyes, and even as I sit here I still can't really believe that the book is sitting beside me on the bed. It came with a really cute card and a short message which made me laugh. Thank you so, so much Ricky. I truly appreciate the gift; I guess that bottle of vodka that I owe you has to double in size to compensate now, eh? :)
Am now wearing my *ahem* new shirt which I stol.. I mean, which Roger gave me *cheeky grin*. It's nice and fuzzy, hah! Plus, Ra Ra gave me another Absolut bottle for my collection. Yay me :P
Damn, can't believe I almost forgot to say, Kai's helping me buy an mp3 player :) He's paying half as my Christmas present, hehe. Was on the phone for a an hour with him yesterday; I was harassing him, lol.
I love my new shirt.. la la lil la.
Currently listening to: Incubus's 11 AM
Current emotion: .