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I've said it before, and I'll say it again: I'm very thankful for my friends, especially those who know me well enough to stand up for me. You guys know who you are. Thank you.
But even more than feeling thankful at the moment, I feel very sad. Sad, because I've realized that no matter how nice you are to people, there will always be those who'll go out of their way to screw things up just for the hell of it, regardless of all that you've done. I'm sad, because today, it hit very close to home how callous some people can be, and I'm so tired, so very tired, of being the scapegoat. I'm sad, because for a moment, I lost my faith in the good in people. And in that one moment of absolute desolateness I felt awful. Aren't people naturally good? I always thought so. I guess the keyword here is thought.
Quote of the Day:
There are two kinds of bitches: the dumb, stupid, pointless one, and the sophisticated one. - Jenn DeNeef
Currently listening to: American Hi-Fi's Another Perfect Day
Current emotion: .