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Whoever said that rez life was boring must be stupid or oblivious, heh. Cooked for Sarah H. cos she was hungry, did some work and headed down to Peter Northrop's to prepare for the dons' 'performance' thing. Half-way through, someone started banging on the door. It was Kayla, and all I heard was "Tiff - Allison - collapsed!". Ran out back to South to find Allison on the floor. She'd fainted. Seems that she's been sick all day and had nothing to eat. But yeah, we got her back on her feet, got her some food, etc. But man, it was a head rush. I was so afraid something bad had happened. Kayla was laughing at me, cos she said she'd never seen me run that fast, lol.
What can I say. I was scared. I was so, so scared.
Currently listening to: 112's Someone To Hold
Current emotion: .