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Miranda fed me real Chinese food yesterday, hehe. We watched American Sweethearts; hilarious movie, that. John Cusack kicks ass. Re-coloured my red streaks, wee! Poor Heather has pink hands now *grins* Thanks Heather *hug*
Went to bed around 12 and was up by 3 again, bleh. My biological clock sucks now, as it wakes me up at every other hour, which means I don't get much uninterrupted sleep :( Festive Dinner tonight; dons' are suppose to do something, pfft. Plus, we're supposed to dress semi-formal, which sucks, cos as most of you know, I hate dressing up. Am not looking forward to it, bleh.
Things to think about, things to do. It's gonna be a long day.
Currently listening to: Jars of Clay's Love Song for A Saviour
Current emotion: .