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There are two things in life which I hate most: feeling helpless, and confrontations. Yesterday was probably one of the worst days of the term, what with finding out about mom, my fight with Audrey, knowing that my friends were at the end of their ropes, pfft. My afternoon was a busy one, working on my essay and getting people to sign up for Secret Santa. Peter Northrop stopped by to hand me some letters which were sent out to the OC girls, and I knew something shitty was gonna happen before the day was over. Had dinner with Kayla, Sarah and Di, so that was nice. Chris drove down from Sarnia again, so we headed out to some dairy place for ice cream. So yeah, that was cool too. Sarah went mad on the way back and was yelling at pedestrians, lol. Came back, and Jess was waiting outside my room in tears. ARGH. I was ready to collapse by then, as I was so tired, but I had to deal with her AND the girls who received the letter. Pfft. The good thing was that they really didn't have much going for them in the first place, so the, umm, discussion was rather short and to the point. Basically, it's their problem to solve, not mine.
Crashed out around 12 and was up by 3-sh. Hrm. Did some reading, fell asleep again, woke up over and over. Headed to OC with Amber around 10. Puttered around my room till 2 and headed over to the Athletic Complex for dance practice (it's for the Cultural Outreach show in March!). Bleh. Am very tired now, and I have a headache.
Currently listening to: 112's Crazy Over You
Current emotion: .