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Days go by so quickly that I lose track of time easily. Am now being harassed online by my sister to call my parents. Yes Audrey, I will do that soon okay? *sigh*
Hah, bought cereal this morning and I got myself a little beanie bee dressed in a Roots sweatshirt, neat :) 205 was okay; spent the hour doodling in my notebook, ho hum. Rhymes and meter, pfft. Had lunch with Daniel, Miranda, Faye and Raymond. Was supposed to head downtown, but was too tired, so I stayed in. Tasha tried to break my door again, and all for what? Garbage bags. She needs a lesson in manners and common courtesy, that one. Damned chick.
Dons' meeting tonight; wish I could say what was said, but my contract doesn't allow me to do so, bleh. We're supposed to sing (?) at the Festive Dinner this weekend, lol. Hey Kris, I heard you were mighty excited about it. I'll stand behind you okay? :P *grins* Am off to write my science fiction paper, word.
Currently listening to: PM Dawn's I'd Die Without You
Current emotion: blah