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I went to sleep around 5-ish and I've lost count the amount of times I've been woken up in between, heh. Kris and Vanessa came by and gave me a candy apple which they made *feels special* :) Went downstairs and spoke to Sarah H. and Jenn for a while. Jenn gave me an Advent Calendar, yay! Sarah L. came up and we had biscuits and hazulnut spread for dinner, lol. Helped Terri with her Donne paper: spent a good 15 minutes explaining imagery and stuff (I'm glad I remember last year's work, lol). Which reminds me, I have to find 2 hours to spare this week to help Kira study for English 100, pfft. Mm, have to remember to attend the LEC Dons' meeting tomorrow night. *pokes self* I think I'll get another 2 hours before getting back to work.
Things to do:
#1. Finish sc. fi paper
#2. Finish myth paper
#3. Finish drama paper
#4. Finish 205 nonsense
#5. Organize "Secret Santa" - make posters, sign up sheets
#6. Mail plane ticket to Toronto to have it changed asap
#7. Shop for "Secret Santa" gifts
#8. Help Kira study for mid-year paper
#9. Dons' meeting tomorrow
#10. Issue letters
#11. Mail "stuff" to people
#12. Send card home
#13. Festive Weekend - ?
#14. Dance practice on 1st Dec (don't forget, or Wei Lynn will want blood!)
#15. Student dons' dinner on the 9th
#16. Dons' Festive Dinner - ?
#17. Drinking session with Roger, Kayla and Sarah L. - ?
#18. Go for classes!
#19. Clean room
#20. Organize the next Relaxation Night with Kris
#21. Sleep (you know, when you pass out? yah. passing out works)
#22. Eat
#23. Make sure girls in halls aren't killing themselves over stress
#24. Make sure I don't kill myself over stress.
phew. I can't wait for the next two weeks to end.
Currently listening to: Live's I Alone
Current emotion: exhausted