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Am wondering how much longer I can last like this. Jess knocked on the wall at 3am to get me to go shut her neighbours up, and Peter Northrop called at 8 to let me know about the power outage over in North Wing. Amber came by at 10 to complain about the aforementioned noisy girls, and a half an hour later, Joyce came by 'cause she's lost her meal card and I had to issue her a temporary meal pass. Tasha came by to get the key to the vacuum, and while she was cleaning Asha stopped by to tell me that she'd ripped out the vacuum bag the day before because she'd vacuum her *censored* and had to pull it out. I couldn't help cracking up at that one, hehee. But yeah, that meant that Tasha was vacuuming without a dust bag, which means I have to clean the vacuum up, pfft.
Went downstairs to Kayla's, and she let me lie in her bed and piled 5 blankets on me so that I could get some sleep away from everything. I love this girl, hehe. Asha came by, and she was waving a Cosmo mag about. Among one of the cover stories was "99 Things to Do to A Naked Man", and for a few minutes she stood at the doorway explaining how Bernard (a friend from Ghana) has experience "being a naked man" (since he was a guy and all), and "we're all women, and have no experience being a naked man"(which I am honest to god thankful for! *makes a face*), he had so kindly "validated most of the stuff inside" for our information. Ahaaaaaaaaahahahahaha!!! I didn't stop laughing for 10 minutes, I found her so funny, roflmao.
Anyway, slept for two hours in Kayla's room (thank you so much Kayla *hug*). I woke up a couple of times to see Kayla and someone else standing over me (was to groggy to notice), with a look of rapt fascination, and I'm thinking, does she want her bed back, or does she find a Chinese girl sleeping funny? lol. Headed back to my room and got some reading done. Had dinner with Asha in OC (was abandoned by her for some guy, hmphf). Just got back; am probably gonna try and work a little bit more.
Currently listening to: LeAnn Rimes' I Need You
Currently feeling: tired but amused