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Was checking my mail, and as usual ,when I log off it automatically switches to MSN News or some nonsense like that. Headlines for the day: the passing of the King back home. I was dumbfounded, because just this morning I was reading the news which said that he'd returned from some hospital and was in stable condition. Didn't think it would happen, but it did. Man. The whole country's in mourning now, and like all big news which happens in the world, I feel kinda disconnected, being here on campus. It's kinda sad, cos he was also the Sultan of Selangor (the state where I live), and his children are friends and customers of my parents. They used to order these slippers for him; they were red and yellow (colours of the State) and I used to think they were funny looking...
Currently listening to: Fuel's Shimmer
Current emotion: weird