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Triggered Memory of the Day:
I was in Asha's room, and we were just talking when Savage Garden's Truly Madly Deeply came on. In my mind's eye, I could see myself, Diana and a whole bunch of other people in a local mall back home. It was our favourite hangout, and there was a huge gathering of friends that day. It was June '97, and we were in a music store. Steven bought Di and I a CD single each as a birthday present; I can't remember what she chose, but I picked out Savage Garden. I just loved that song.
2 months later, Steven passed away in a car accident. It's been a little over 4 years, but I still remember the funeral, the disbelief, Karen's face, the people who cared. I still remember the tears, the hugs. I still remember.
Rest in peace Steve.
Currently listening to: Savage Garden's Truly Madly Deeply
Current emotion: sad