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Who'd have thought that childhood nightmares would come back to haunt me after all these years? I guess some things you just never get over. Sarah's thinking of getting her psych-major bf to cross-analyze me, lol. I'm a science project now!
Went to bed around six-ish am, woke up a few times in between because of aforementioned nightmare. All I can remember is fear trickling down my spine *phbt*. Prof. Kruger, the college principal, called at 11 to get me to help move the patio furniture, hmm. Definitely something not in the job description, but whatever. Did that and went for lunch with Becca, Heather and Miranda. Talked to sooks and Wai Wai for a bit before trying to get a bit more sleep. People kept coming by, so that wasn't a very successful nap. Am almost afraid to close my eyes now, bleh.
Got some reading done, and had planned to head to the library to get some books for my essay, only to find out that it closed early Friday nights. I know I know, who the hell in their right minds would work on a Friday night, but c'mon, who said everyone had to have a social life? lol. I am so sad, hehe. But yeah, library was closed. Stopped by Catherine's to grab some notes and had a chat with her about...stuff. Seems that pub night's on and I'm supposed to show up because I've missed the last 4/5 openings, blah. Whatever. *shakes head*
Currently listening to: Eve 6's Beautiful Oblivion
Current emotion: blah