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I love my fuzzy blue slippers. Had a god-awful nightmare this morning and woke up at 4.30am. Science fiction is cool, but I have another assigment coz of it, bah. Kayla gave me monkey bread. And we had dinner at the Red Lobster. Jenn, Kayla and I stopped by Animalia (some pet store) before dinner, and I just realized how much reptiles made my skin crawl. I'm not impressed by scorpions or snakes. Fish are bloody expensive in Canada :P Toques are great for bad hair days. I'm rambling in broken fragments of words and thought. Think I'll go have a shower now.
Quote of the Day:
God put me on earth to achieve a certain amount of tasks. Right now I'm so far behind I'm never going to die! - Bill Watterson
Song of the moment: Gloria Estefan's Reach
Current emotion: Smile-y