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It's been a good good day :) Woke up to find out that I got Daily Poem for Absolute. Thankies Ruth *hug* I met up with Professor Hollinger in the afternoon, and she has agreed to let me work on my paper and re-submit it. Got caught in the rain downtown, but it don't matter. Bought two new toques; a fuchsia one and a blue one. Oh yeah, I bought a pair of fuzzy blue slippers too, yay! Wore my slippers all day; they cheer me up immensely, and are so comfy too. The Sexual Health Clinic called; condoms (for my college dammits! stop smirking!! *slaps you* :P) are ready to be picked up, w00t! Now if they say I have no initiative I'm gonna shove that box of condoms up their @$...noses (hehe). Had dinner in my room, finished reading Chicken Soup for The Teenage Soul (such a good book) and spoke to Ricky for a while on AIM. He never fails to make me laugh, lol. Visited Roger and was looking through his Maxim mags and found an Absolut ad which I was drooling over online, and can you believe it he ripped it out for ME! (well, it took quite a bit of begging but he did it in the end) and I'm so so soooo grateful Ra Ra *big big hugs* Yeah, I hugged him so hard he was squealing for me to let go, lol. I can now add Absolut Cliché to my collection, word! (And yes, I actually scouted the site and checked that it was on Maxim before heading to Roger's to leaf through his collection *cheeky grin*). Am talking to sooks and Andreas on ICQ now.
Stanza of the Day:
Your compassion
paints the sky
An azure blue
Colours of the rainbow
Every hue
Loving, calming
Honestly true
Amazing is this person
being you.
Thought/Quote of the Day:
Kindness in words create confidence. Kindness in thinking creates profoundness. Kindness in giving creates love. - Lao-tzu
Link of the Day: Absolut Collectors
Currently listening to: Annie Lennox's Walking On Broken Glass
Current emotion: chirpy