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Spent the day reading in my room. Took off sometime in the afternoon and headed to Health Services to see if I could get some condoms (yes condoms! I can see you laughing! *smacks you*) for rez, but the school's being cheap this year, so no luck. Called the Sexual Health Clinic downtown; hopefully they'll give the college some as none of the dons have any. 'sides, I think it makes sense to have them available for the students. Hehe, I call this initiative :P Oh yeah, stopped by the bookstore to see if I could get another toque, but damn are they ugly :P Gotta find me a super colourful one...
Had a sudden urge to clean my room and rearrange my furniture again. Methinks this is the 4th time I've done it in the last 2 months. Like baking, rearranging my stuff usually makes me feel better (something about obsessive compulsive/controlling behaviour *shrug*). Everyone's going out to party tonight, but I'm not in the mood. The college pub's open too, but somehow alcohol just holds no appeal right now. Am feeling shitty enough without the added depressant, hehe. Have an hour to kill before trick or treating starts, la la lil la. My room looks cool now. Knowing me, it'll stay this way for a couple of weeks before I switch again. *looks at watch* I'm bored. Should work, but don't wanna. somebody talk to me :P
Joke of the Day: <link>
Song of the moment: Texas's Say What You Want
Current emotion: Bored