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There are times when I wonder about existence, and the reasons why we're here. There are times when I wonder about people, and why they do what they do. Why they think the way they do, act the way they do. Why people hurt one another knowingly. Why there is this need to inflict hurt and pain. Why we pretend when with others. Why we wear a facade, more often than not. Why some people take others at face value, and nothing else. Why fear can hold one back in a vise-like grip, and never let go. Why confidence intimidates. Why lies are seen as truth.
All you wanted was a miracle
All you needed was a miracle.
I need to get out of this defunct state. Funny how on the outside I look just fine, but inside things are falling apart. and I don't even know what's the source of all this.
Song of the moment: Darude's Drums of New York
Current emotion: Lost