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Just remembered something funny...was at the Senior Common Room giving my talk, and I mentioned briefly that what I really liked about Canadian culture was the up-front and honest attitude I have seen around me. Someone pointed out that in actual fact, Asian and German people were a lot more frank than Canadians, and that Canadians "wore layers and pulled on a persona". Hrrm. My snappy retort was that it's either I've been conned for the last one and a half years, or I've been bloody lucky to meet all the good people :D Hehee. I just like believing in the best of a person, y'know? Maybe I'm just another sucker in the making *shrug*
I haven't submitted a stanza of the day for the longest time. All my little poetic bits have gone into deviations I've viewed. It's either that, or it got out of hand and became an entire poem instead of a snippet. Here's Wretched; it's kinda depressing, (gee, I couldn't tell by the title :P) *smacks self* Nothing more disturbing than seeing me be sarcastic to myself, lol. But yeah, back to Wretched, it was just a culmination of everything every day every hour of my life. Trying to be there, but knowing my mortality and human limitations. Am this close to a self-analyzed breakdown. Somebody help me. The little poem underneath is something I posted in my journal on deviantART while listening to Vertical Horizon's Miracle.
Stanza of the Day:
I'm searching for a miracle...
I'm alright now
I tell myself
Close my eyes
Dream away
Things will end
Soon, someday?
I'm alright now
Right as rain
But in my eyes
Linger pain.
Let me be;
My search for a miracle
which only the blind can see.
Today I'm broken
All I want to give
A whisper unspoken
A life unlived.
No more.
I'm searching for a miracle...
Quote of the Day:
Don't mistake legibility for communication - David Carson
Song of the moment: Lenny Kravitz's Again
Current emotion: Thoughtful